John Coltrane Quartet
John Coltrane(ts), McCoy Tyner(p, omit on 02-04), Jimmy Garrison(b), Elvin Jones(d)

Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
10 Jun 1965 (Thu)

-01 Welcome (5:28) ②
-02 The Last Blues (uni)
-03 The Last Blues (uni)
-04 The Last Blues (4:22) ④
-05 Untitled Original 90314 (14:47) ③
-06 Transition (15:31) ①
-07 Suite (21:19) ①
Part 1 – Prayer and Meditation: Day
Part 2 – Peace and After
Part 3 – Prayer and Meditation: Evening
Part 4 – Affirmation
part 5 – Prayer and Meditation: 4 a.m.

①A(S)-9195 (Transition, released ca Sep. 1970)

②AS-9106 (Kulu Se Mama, released ca. Jan. 1967)

③IZ 9345-2 (Feelin’ Good, released 1978, 2 LP)

④IMP 12462 (Living Space, released 1998)