
(John Coltrane)

 組曲である「至上の愛」の Part3 は「Pursuance、追求」です。日本語名としては「遂行」が相応しいと、私は感じています。

 この12月9日の「至上の愛セッション」ではこの曲、このテイクの二つ前に Part4 と一連の演奏録音を行っていると資料07にありますが、その演奏は世の出ておりません。



 この名盤「至上の愛」、そのインパルス!ご自慢の二つ折りジャケットの内側に、コルトレーンの詩が掲載されている。またVerve/Impulse! 0602547489470 (A Love Supreme, The Complete Masters, 2015)には、この詩のコルトレーンの手書きが掲載されており、味のあるものだ。



I will do all I can to be worthy of Thee O Lord.
It all has to do with it.
Thank you God.
There is none other.
God is. It is so beautiful.
Thank you God. God is all.
Help us to resolve our fears and weaknesses.
Thank you God.
In You all things are possible.
We know. God made us so.
Keep your eye on God.
God is. He always was. He always will be.
No matter what… it is God.
He is gracious and merciful.
It is most important that I know Thee.
Words, sounds, speech, men, memory, thoughts,
fears and emotions – time – all related…
all made from one… all made in one.
Blessed be His name.
Thought waves – heat waves – all vibrations –
all paths lead to God. Thank you God.
His way… it is so lovely… it is gracious.
It is merciful – thank you God.
One thought can produce millions of vibrations
and they all go back to God… everything does.
Thank you God.
Have no fear… believe… Thank you God.
The universe has many wonders. God is all.
His way… it is so wonderful.
Thoughts – deeds – vibrations, etc.
They all go back to God and He cleanses all.
He is gracious and merciful… thank you God.
Glory to God… God is so alive.
God is.
God loves.
May I be acceptable in Thy sight.
We are all one in His Grace.
The fact that we do exist in acknowledgement
of Thee O lord.
Thank you God.
God will wash away all our tears…
He always has…
He always will.
Seek Him everyday. In all ways seek God everyday.
Let us sing all songs to God
To whom all praise in due… praise God.
No road is an easy one, but they all
go back to God.
With all we share God.
It is all with God.
It is all with Thee.
Obey the Lord.
Blessed is He.
We are from one thing… the will of God…
Thank you God.
I have seen God – I have seen ungodly-
none can be greater – none can compare to God.
Thank you God.
He will remake us… He always has and He
always will.
It is true – blessed be His name – Thank you God.
God breathes through us so completely…
so gently we hardly feel it… yet,
it is our everything.
Thank you God.
All from God.
Thank you God. Amen.

John Coltrane – December, 1964



2005年 香港
